Dealing with Mean Girls!
Ever have to deal with girls being mean to you? Unfortunately, hurting people, hurt people! Savannah shares some helpful tips here… take a look at this…
Ever have to deal with girls being mean to you? Unfortunately, hurting people, hurt people! Savannah shares some helpful tips here… take a look at this…
Your mind is a private sanctuary, so don’t allow negative thoughts, opinions of others, or the darkness of this world to invade it. What you think about and dwell on can affect your entire mood and countenance. What goes on inside of you affects what happens on the outside, unless you learn to fake it. …
Check out Savannah Lewie’s Back to School Survival Guide in this week’s VLOG!
Fall… That comforting, apple cider-drinking, pumpkin-picking, leaves-changing, school-starting time of the year (well, maybe that last detail isn’t the greatest part of the season). One of the biggest reasons I love autumn is the fashion! Boots, scarves, sweaters, tights, it’s all a huge change from the rompers, tanks, and shorts of summer trends. It can …
I deleted my social media for 8 months. And cable and Netflix and secular music and pretty much everything else that is entertaining. Part of me hates social media. Actually scratch that – almost all of me hates it and wishes that it never existed. So when I felt called to get rid of it …
When I opened the mail box a few weeks ago, I found a hand addressed envelope from my friend Meghan in West Virginia. Eager to open something other than a bill I moved quickly and clumsily back inside to the kitchen table, kicking off my sandals and leaving a trail of junk mail along the …
I have noticed a terrible pattern in my life – that I quite often let fear dictate my choices. I struggle with anxiety and fear which handicap my life in so many different ways. Anxiety is a lesser evil than many physical handicaps, but an evil nonetheless. It’s a mental isolation, a fear of the …
Dear hurting girl who doesn’t deserve the pain you’re in, or what the other girl did to you, or didn’t mean to do to you, please, oh please don’t turn to gossip! Gossip weaves an alluring and intricate maze – a maze that gets bigger with every word, and has many twists and turns that often …
At the end of last year, the word courage seemed to be everywhere. It glimmered in books I was reading, Christmas gifts I received, jewelry, and quotes my roommate texted me with a “this just made me think of you.” I’m fairly certain that had I continued to ignore this theme long enough, I would …
Radical Courage: What It Really Feels Like To Say “Yes” Read More »
Last year, one of my closest friends walked through the most difficult season of her life, to date. Early in her pregnancy, she discovered that her tiny baby was not developing as she should, and that she would most likely not survive. This was of course, devastating news, and my friend was heartbroken. She worried …