Empowering girls
with truth & purpose

Embrace, Encourage, Equip & Empower

Pure Design seeks to create a counter-cultural brand that empowers girls to set higher standards by affirming their gifts and reminding them they were created on purpose for a purpose.

Pam & Caeilen ♡ 


Embrace young adult & teen girls where they are by hosting meet & greets, social events and photo shoots.
Encourage young adult & teen girls with Biblical truth through social media, events & magazines.
Equip young adult & teen girls to know God and gain identity through devotionals, conferences and events.
Empower young adult & teen girls to encourage others through mentorship and ambassador programs.

Pure Design is about impacting a generation with truth. Truth sets people free. Young people want truth. They don’t want fake, they want real and authentic. Through sharing real life stories, girls are empowered to see they are not alone or isolated in the issues they face. We desire to empower girls so they in turn can empower others!

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