Happy Thanksgiving Week Designers!! We hope you are anticipating a great holiday with family and lots of food!! We sure are!!
Many people have asked me about publishing a guy’s version of Pure Design Magazine – and believe me the ideas and dreams are there… this is hopefully a future project that we will take on as we add more staff and volunteers. For now though, we want to get some of our teen guy friends involved in our magazine by creating a new article we will feature in each issue starting in 2014!!!
Introducing – Pure Design Guy! This will simply be an article where our team comes up with a topic to ask and interview a teen guy about. Each issue will feature a different guy and subject matter… which is where you come in as readers!
What topics or questions would you like us to ask our high school guy about?
It could be about communication, clothing, what they are interested in when they like a girl, whatever topic (within reason) that you would like us to ask some of our Christian guy friends about. (Not every question submitted will be used, but we will read through and consider each of them.) But if you would like to submit a question to our Pure Design Guy article for our March 1st Spring Issue – email us at pam@puredesignministries.com or message us on our FB page – Pure Design Teen Mag.
We hope you stop back in 5 days for our Winter Issue of Pure Design – “Religion vs. Relationship” – it’s going to be a great issue!
Happy Thanksgiving to all of you!!