Khayil: The Warring Bride
by: Pamela Lozano
Maybe her name is Cassie or Imani; Trinity or Diana; maybe even Elizabeth or Jada. Whoever she is, she is fierce. You can tell from her eyes she bears wisdom and her demeanor demands respect without intimidation. She is strong and powerful. She knows who she is and who she belongs to. Who is she? What if I told her she was you? What if I told you that the Proverbs 31 woman was a fierce warrior, instead of the stereotypical quiet suburban wife? Would you believe me?
This passage in Proverbs is a familiar part of scripture for many. It includes a long list of characteristics and traits of a “Virtuous Wife”. Some may read it thinking this is a lofty list of attributes women should aspire to have by the time they get married. But as Brian Simmons, the writer of The Passion Translation of the Bible includes in his footnotes of this chapter: “This woman is both a picture of a virtuous wife and an incredible allegory of the end-time victorious bride of Jesus Christ, full of virtue and grace. Khayil is a Hebrew word that most closely is related to a warring bride. The meaning of khayil doesn’t have one English equivalent, but is often used in connection with military prowess. This is a warring wife. Khayil can be translated as mighty, wealthy, excellent, morally righteous, full of substance, integrity, abilities, and strength, and mighty like an army.”
This amazing list of traits feels like one many of us wouldn’t be able to live up to. But, if you think of it in the context of the bride of Christ, a group of people that come together and bring these traits to the table collectively. It’s easier to see this imagine of the entire body of Christ, than simply a list of characteristics a married woman should desire to work towards. This allegory then isn’t just limited to married women, but also includes single women and teen girls who love Jesus.
Here’s a list of traits described in the fall issue of Pure Design Magazine – for more details on each of these, grab a copy of Fierce Femininity on our website:
- A woman of strength and valor…
- She is trustworthy and wise…
- She possesses purity & righteousness…
- She speaks with Godly revelation…
- She is a hard-worker who provides for her family…
- She helps the needy and poor…
- She is clothed in beauty, honor and excellence…
- Her words are filled with wisdom and kindness…
As you study the Proverbs 31 woman, you will see this passage is jam-packed with attributes we can aim to grow in and become. These things are not out of our reach, but are attainable. We simply have to ask God to help us grow in the areas where we are weak. Some things will take practice, or intentionality, but I encourage you to seek these qualities and ask God to help you grow in them. Ask Holy Spirit to train you to become the warring bride He desires you to be – strong and courageous; speaking truth to dispel the lies of the enemy who seeks to destroy you. You are stronger than you imagine and God is raising up a remnant of women who possess the traits of this powerful Proverbs 31 woman!

Bio: Pamela Lozano is the Founder & President of Pure Design Ministries & Magazine. She is an inspirational speaker of topics of faith, self-image, self-wroth & purity. She loves to lead worship and spend time with her three grown kids and husband. Pamela has been a Youth Pastor for over twenty years and loves to mentor the next generation to live whole-heartedly for Christ. She also loves to coach young women to identify and pursue their dreams.