Pure Design Magazine wants to invite all teen and young adult guys and girls to our upcoming Gala on Friday, November 1st!! Tickets are on sale now, and we are hoping to sell out this event!!! We have a LOT of things planned for the night- OSU Kicker, Ben Buchanan (pictured above) is speaking, Lindsey Turner of Thrift and Shout is doing a thrifting fashion show, Heather Evans is doing live music, we have photo opps, dancing, food, and more!!! Come on out and join us for a fun-filled night of fund raising for our magazine!! We will have a raffle, product table, videos and more!! Tickets are on sale now at Pure Roots Boutique in Uptown Westerville, or can be reserved by emailing us at pam@puredesignministries.com!! Don’t wait too long and miss out on this really fun time!!

Is Self-Care Selfish?
By: Summer Orban Answer: Yes and no. “What are you going to do to practice self-care today?” My therapist Ana asked me last week during one